More inspiration from the photo pile...
I need to scrapbook this weekend...
It's darn cold was in the 80's all winter - now we're freezing???? I ended up awake until 4 a.m. last night...hopefully tonight will be better.
Oh well, I feel better now...I might even go get seconds of the butterscotch pudding we made instead...
P.S. I love you, Matt!
Got my Home Companion Saturday - such a beautiful magazine. It always inspires me. Loved the write ups on the woman who designs chandeleirs and Drooz Studio...the pictures were total eye candy. (painting by Shelly Kennedy, Drooz Studio)
It's been a long, but really good day.....
I told them I thought it had gone off 6 times since my surgery. They are allowed, by law, to administer a shock to you at 1/100th power with your consent (they can control it remotely-works like a cell phone to the doc sewn into my shoulder). I agreed - how bad could 1/100th be?
Apparently, the deep and, what I thought was unbearable pain, has to do with the fact that they cut through particularly sensitive muscle & nerve and I could have residual pain there forever (not in the brochure). As for the shock - dear Lord, I can't take it. It is my new goal in life to never, ever set this thing off...The pacemaker function can work all it wants, and the defib can run the left side of my heart, but if it ever comes down to a life-saving jolt I don't know what I'll do...I've asked Matt to shoot me in the pacemaker if it starts going off regularly & of course he won't agree to it...what good was that better or worse & obey stuff if he won't shoot you when you ask him to? Oh well, he loves me...