The last 2 weeks we were building the site I started diligently blogging, getting back in the habit. Man - I've missed writing like this! And now we're "on". It's very exciting over here.
Take a spin through the pages & learn a bit more about me & what I do. I've been a busy girl & have made a lot of changes since my last blog post in 2009.
Check back every day - I've come up with a format I really like incorporating some of the favorite themes from my previous blog followers:
SUNDAYS: SENSE-ational Sundays are BACK! I ran these for 2+ years, recording my top 5 "sense"-ational experiences each week. It's like a diary of my sensory world. My weekly favorites - what I see, hear, taste, touch & smell. If you're an aspiring blogger it's a GREAT writing exercise and really makes you pay attention to the little joys in your life.
MONDAYS: Yummy Mondays - every Monday will be food related. Recipes, cooking videos, gratuitous sugar, etc.
TUESDAYS: The Trendwatcher lives! I am still an avid trend tracker & wanted to include my forecasting tips and web trend links into a regular column. Tuesdays are a must for designers & indie artists.
WEDNESDAYS: What I Want Wednesdays -Each Wednesday I will window shop through etsy, sharing finds from talented independent artist by themes. We'll discover tons of great handmade artists together!
THURSDAYS: Well, I can't live every day by a formula - Thursdays are a wild card! I am including a Life & Laughs column for everything from redneck shenanigans to what I'm reading and more.
FRIDAYS: Button Business - Here is where I can recap what I've been working on the last week. New listings, online buying trends, upcoming shows, local shops, etc. It's a regular ManHandled-palooza. I like it, because I tend to talk about work a lot, and this really contains it when I write about other things.
SATURDAYS: My day of online rest. Unless there's something awesome going on (like tomorrow), I plan to go do something in the real world & stay off the computer. Get some sunshine, or sleep in, or go out - whatever you do HAVE FUN!