"Sense"-ational Sundays...
Our senses tell a story. I've committed to recording my 5 senses for the past week to explore my sensory world. I challenge you to do the same. If you choose to do so, just blog your 5 senses every Sunday & let me know, I'd love to read them.
I SEE: My BFF, Angie
I met Angie when we were freshmen at the University of North Texas. She sauntered into a student government meeting in a ball gown {Bruce Hall had just invaded Kerr} - and I thought - WOW, she is insane - I've got to meet this girl! {I was a wild one when I was younger & as far as my friends went the weirder the better} We went to the Flying Tomato later that night & have been best friends ever since! Ang is a school teacher now with two beautiful boys & a sweet husband, but we felt like we were 18 again when we spent our day in the mall!
I HEAR: Across the Universe
We finally got around to seeing/hearing Across the Universe {Meg held us hostage & made us watch it}. Um...amazing!!! I like the Beatles, but I've never felt really strongly about them so I didn't hurry out to see the movie. I WAS WRONG - I think I love the Beatles. I can't wait to see it again!
I TASTE: Homemade Strawberry Sorbet
Meg showed up at our house the other night churning her little ice cream maker. She had made us fresh strawberry sorbet from scratch. It pays to have a future chef in the family!
I TOUCH: Felt, Needles, Embroidery Thread & Stuffing
Yep, I've started making some stuffed toys. Not really sure why...I just have a lot of felt & I think they're cute. It's super relaxing - I forgot how much I love hand sewing. My mom & I did a lot of dollmaking when I was younger - maybe that has something to do with my new thing? I'll start posting them once I figure out what I'm doing!
I SMELL: Lemony Flutter
I already have it & love it and now Angie's hooked on it too. This cuticle butter is an amazing lotion. LUSH makes all its products from organic fruits and vegetables, they're all fresh and luxurious...you'll never want to try anything else once you find one of their products you love!
I SEE: My BFF, Angie
I HEAR: Across the Universe
We finally got around to seeing/hearing Across the Universe {Meg held us hostage & made us watch it}. Um...amazing!!! I like the Beatles, but I've never felt really strongly about them so I didn't hurry out to see the movie. I WAS WRONG - I think I love the Beatles. I can't wait to see it again!
I TASTE: Homemade Strawberry Sorbet

I TOUCH: Felt, Needles, Embroidery Thread & Stuffing

I SMELL: Lemony Flutter

fun! i was going to head to northpark yesterday (lush and paper source..how can that go wrong!?!?) but didn't.
you lived in Kerr...lucky you. I lived in Maple (yes when it was still an all girls dorm)
OMG...I LIVED IN MAPLE! Bruce just invaded Kerr - we were elsewhere afterwards. Always ice to meet someone else from the "virgin vault"...
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