"Sense"-ational Sunday...
I SEE: Blood
I went to pick up my uncle {Amy & Meg's dad} from his dialysis session on Saturday morning. His car died & my aunt and Meg were on the other side of town. I was fascinated by the machine. I mean, I knew what it did in theory - but I never expected to see so much blood out of him when I got there. He started on dialysis back in July. He's had pretty aggressive diabetes for over 22 years now. So now he's on the kidney & pancreas transplant list - which is surprisingly shorter than the kidney list. So, for now we're waiting, and praying, and learning a lot about his new dietary restrictions and what's in store next.
I HEAR: Fireworks?
Someone in my neighborhood is breaking the law. I can hear them outside right now, but we can never quite figure out exactly where they're coming from. The police can never get to the neighborhood fast enough {yes, someone does this every year} to figure it out either. I'm just thankful they haven't set us all on fire yet.
I TASTE: My Stuffed Bell Peppers
I cooked one of my favorites this week...
- 4 green or red bell peppers
- 5 TBS etra virgin olive oil
- yellow onion, diced
- roasted garlic
- 1 lb ground beef
- 3/4 c raw instant rice
- 1 can Italian style tomatoes
- 1 tsp oregano
- slices of pepper jack cheese
- 1/2 c ketchup
- 1/4 c water
- 1/2 tsp of Worcestershire Sauce
- Dash of Tabasco sauce
1 Boil water & blanch peppers. Keep peppers completely submerged, until brilliant green & their flesh slightly softened {3-5 minutes}. Drain.
2 Preheat oven to 350. Heat 4 TBS of the oil in a large skillet. Add onions and garlic - cook, til translucent. Brown meat. Remove from heat and add rice, tomatoes, and oregano, and season generously with salt and pepper. Mix well.
3 Drizzle remaining oil in peppers, arrange cut side up in a casserole dish. Stuff peppers with filling. Combine ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, and water in a small bowl. Pour sauce over filling. Cover each one with pepper jack cheese. Add 1/4 cup of water to the baking dish. Place in oven and bake for 40-50 minutes.
I TOUCH: Specialty PaperSaturday I ran down to Paper Arts {formerly Paper Routes} to look for a rice paper Meg wanted & to look around for myself. I forgot how totally cool the people are who run that place. I love their amazing handmade and imported papers.
I SMELL: Roasting Garlic

Yeah, after getting over 20 bulbs of garlic last week we HAD to roast some garlic. Now we have frozen roasted garlic to last us for a while!
The fireworks were from utd we heard them too... it scared us we thought some one was throwin stuff at our windows... it started at liek 9:15
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