Sunday, February 03, 2008

"Sense"-ational Sundays...

Our senses tell a story. I've committed to recording my 5 senses once a week to explore my sensory world. I challenge you to do the same. If you choose to do so, just blog your 5 senses every Sunday & let me know, I'd love to read them.

Our niece Amy turned 13 today & her parents threw her a big surprise party last night. She got caught totally off guard {so cute}... she's getting so grown up. She had a skating party the night before with her friends & was a little bummed she wasn't having a family party this year...or so she thought.

Matt got into a balloon battle...

...and was soundly defeated.

Seeing double - Matt & his twin brother Rusty.

Seeing triple - Matt, Rusty & their dad. It's uncanny how much Matt & his dad look alike...that's what I'll be married to in about 25 years.


Neutral Milk Hotel
...they're getting the top play on my Mp3 player this week. I have the Aeroplane over the Sea song totally stuck in my head.

There's a reason for mom bought this in 8-track when I was a first grader. My mom was clueless enough she didn't realize what it was about. I had no idea. So I would play it in the car to & from school, sing it constantly - I had my own little dance...So, I was in the kitchen trying to get around Matt who was in my way this morning and I said "toot, toot. beep, beep." And he said "What is that? Why do you always say that?" So I had to run in to the computer & blast it at top volume. I still got the moves...

Nasty, nasty, nasty dental cement. I got a crown last week and blech. Something was gross. That's all there is to say about it.

Prototype & class's feeling like all day, every day - but I love it! I've been making booth samples with new product (Luxe's new line "Capris" in the layout) and working on lots of booth prep in general. I'm overseeing the kitting for CHA - class kits, buying group kits, press kits, etc...and in my home time Matt & I are kitting the 550 kits for ScrapBowl.

Hair dye. I got my hair done {getting the brassy out & going dark again} and I really like it. I went back to Kelly who did my hair about 18 years ago - it was so awesome to visit & catch up. I don't know why I ever left her - she "gets" my crazy hair. I had one of those moments like Cher in Moonstruck when she got her hair dark again - I felt so pretty.


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