An important safety lesson from Matt...

I had run up to Hobby Lobby (it was a bling emergency, I really needed some aurora crystals for a project for Ranger) and when I got home he had done it. It took about an hour to talk him into going to the ER & by the time we were there he was glad that we did.
No splinters (my fear), but he did scratch his cornea in 2 places. He got a tetanus shot & antibiotic eye drops. We got the giggles while we were up there...the nurse was going over his chart and he asked if it said "stupid" on it and she said, "no, but I'm gonna write it in"...
OY! Poor Matt...well, I think he will never forget to put those things on! So happy to hear that it wasn't SERIOUS!
Praying for safe 2008 for your family, Emily! LOL!!
Oh My! Matt sounds like my DH. Whenever he does a home improvement, we factor in a trip to the ER. I usually say no project is complete at our house until we go to the ER. Glad he just had a scratch. (DH had the same eye injury making DD an easel except he was wearing safety glasses and it flew in anyway.) The fence project netted DH 12 stitches in his hand - sliced open by some random sheet metal. Stay safe!
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