So I thought about doing a giveaway for National Scrapbook Day, but then I thought - everybody does that. I want to do one the next day to give all of you who might not have won an NSD giveaway another chance! Plus with all the scrapping you did last weekend, you probably need to replenish your supplies, right?

I'm giving away a collection of some of my favorite Luxe products. Just comment on this post & be sure to include your name & where you live (in case of duplicate names) to enter the drawing. I'll pick & post winners Wednesday evening (enter until 8 PM CST). Good luck & happy belated NSD!
I'm giving away a collection of some of my favorite Luxe products. Just comment on this post & be sure to include your name & where you live (in case of duplicate names) to enter the drawing. I'll pick & post winners Wednesday evening (enter until 8 PM CST). Good luck & happy belated NSD!
i like the "After NSD" idea! nobodys done that before. at least not that ive seen. my name is Chelle and i live in Texas. thanks!
National Scrapbook Day? I didn't know it exists, not here in Holland (although scrapbooking is getting bigger here by the day).
I am busy planning our holiday to your country, we will visit a.o. New York, Boston, Washington and many more cities. Any scrapbooking tips?
I would love to win your price, although I don't live in the US.
Caecilia Koning, Meppel, the Netherlands
P.S. how is your health?
Oh boy, cool stuff. I'm in Northern CA
Well - it was a national SD :-) Love the stuff I'm peaking!
Waving from German - Nat
Didn't get to scrap much this weekend---but I have big plans for tonight and tomorrow! Love the collection you put together as usual!
Kim in WA
Hi Emily,
Greatings from Holland, how are you doing? Love the Luxe papers....
Hope to see you soon, to bad you're not coming to Saga...
Monique (Wijk bij Duurstede - Holland)
Emily, what a great "re-stock" idea! So, go ahead and just pick my name :-) Carla Henderson
I was so slammed this weekend, I missed all the fun - yippee for "After NSD" ...from Sammamish, WA
Veronica from Cali!!
Would love to win all of this cool stuff. Love that you are doing it after the official day. We were all busy croppin' on the actual day!
I was in the hospital for NSD and didn't get anything done- normally it's a day I set aside for me. Planning on working up a storm during my recovery! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Lisa H
Haymarket, VA
what a great rak! love the day after nsd idea.. :)
Kristina, northern cali
what an awesome idea! i can always use more scrapbook stuff!
So nice of you to have a giveaway! I would love to win these yummy looking supplies!
Good Thinking!! I did get quite a bit of scrapping done over NSD. Love the products. :) Have a good day!!!
Kellie from Michigan
Woo hoooo!!! Such great stuff Emily, thanks!!!
Jeanette in Alabama
Very cool stuff, and very generous of you!
Tammy in NC
OOH! Those are some of my favorite colors in that rockin' giveaway! So nice of you to do one.
Jenn Smith
Garland, TX
Great idea - - I ADORE Luxe!!
I am Shelly from Lakeside, California :)
Great idea! I would love to win.
Cassie from Liberty,Missouri
What a great idea! Everything looks great :D
LOVE me some Luxe!!! Great RAK.
I'm Susan from Kansas.
Ooh, looks like great goodies! You are sweet!
I'm Claude and I live in Laval, QC, Canada
Love the idea and the luxe products.
Heather in Pickerington
Great idea! Thanks!
Louisville, KY
SIS: kylissa
Happy NSD (2 days ago!)
Hope you also had a blast!
Iris (The Netherlands)
Happy Day, Oh Happy Day!!!!
***Jenn Allen---Richardson, Tx***
Cool idea. Would love to win.
Sher from Northern VA
I loev the idea of an after NSD RAK! Love that LUX.
South Orange County Ca
love the color combination. Thanks for the chance for free Luxe stuff. Debbie F. SLC, UT
Didn't get to do much this weekend, but everyday should be NSD. last chance for the unluckies like my who didn't win anything in any of the crops I was in! lol...Crystal in KY.
My name is Angi Smith and I live in Tennessee. I would love to win some day after-goods!
I spent the day with my daughters celebrating an early mothers day so I missed NSD all together (well worth the sacrifice). I love the blue and black. Looks like great scraproom colors (lol).
Great giveaway! I'm Shannon from Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Just love LUXE !! Love giveaways even more!!
Denise M (Valrico FL)
I love how you always think "outside the box!" Happy Monday-after-NSD!!! :-)
Kristen D.
Peabody MA
Great idea! That Luxe is beautiful!
Kristin in Belmont, CA. Great idea by the way. I love the after NSD giveaway!
Oh! What a great idea! I'm needing some replenishement.:)
Lori from Orlando, FL
oooohhhhh kewl looking stuff there!!
I would love to play with this stuff...
Aimee, Lima, Ohio
Cool - thanks! Laura, Fort Wayne IN
Vanessa in Winnipeg!
Very sweet of you - gorgeous giveaway!
Cool idea! The Luxe items look really cool!
Long Island, NY
This is a really great idea and very generous!! I'll fave your blog too :)
My name is Leslie and I live in Springfield, IL
My NSD was so disappointing, lol, it would be nice to make up for it with new toys from Luxe, which isn't available in my area :(
Jenna from Illinois
What a cool idea.... I didn't win anything on NSD, but I tried several places....LOL I would love to win your prize!! Thanks so much....Leslie Owens, New Lebanon,OH
hope i am not tooo late! Dana Shutt-Mendibles from sunny San Diego, CA
OMG I am completely obsessed with the Luxe line! Totally my favorite colors. What a fun RAK!
Love the collection. Blues and greys, purty. Natalie in Kentucky
Wow, how nice of you to share ! And a great idea for a post-NSD giveaway :)
I put a bit of a dent in my stash this weekend as well :)
I am loving those Luxe rubons!
Hope you had a wonderful NSD.
Dena in OR
What a neat idea! Great giveaway.
Melinda - Shawnee, KS
Wow! I would love to win all that stuff. I hope you had a nice NSD. I spent NSD reorganizing my paper. Thanks!
This is awesome! :)
What a great selection of your favorites - love it all!
I like the looks of then stuff!
Kari in FL
love those luxe papers! Thanks for the chance to win . . .
Tammy B Wilmington, NC
Cool stuff!! Would love to replenish my scrap supplies as we dont get any here. This is Priya from India. I enjoy your 'Sensational Sundays'.
Hi! I am Ami from IL. Happy "Day After" NSD to you, too!!!!
Great idea - there is always so much going on on NSD. It gets overwhelming! Thanks for offering a fun giveaway!
Monica B. in Kansas City
What an awesome RAK- Yummy- no one near me sells this pretty stuff !
Thank You, Norma Kennedy from Indiana
They look lovely. lack and white is so classic.
Sue - England
Beautiful colors! Happy belated NSD! Suz in Georgia
WOW. It´s a great Idea and the RAK are Yummie.
Nicki from Germany :))
I'd love to win an after NSD giveaway!!
Elizabeth Dietz in LaGrange, IL (near Chicago)
Thanks Emily, fingers crossed
missed out on the Luxe hunt....feel free to send some over here to Australia
woooooooooooh who doesn't won't to win such gorgeous things!!!!
Great thing!!
greetings Marga, the Netherlands
I could surely use this. Debby L from South Carolina.
How kind of you!!! Who coud say no to a giveaway!!!
Susan from So Cal
More Luxe is just what I need. We went to a weekend NSD event which was lots of fun.
Baton Rouge, LA
Emily you are so cool! I would love to win those wonderful Luxe items! I have been itching to get my hands on that product since the scavenger hunt!
Ida, MI
I was out of town on NSD. Thanks for the chance to still win some goodies. ~~
Mary Lib in Brandon, Fl
Love, Love, Love LUXE. Thanks for sharing
Michelle Brown
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Love me some Luxe!!!!!
San Angelo, TX
Very cool stuff! Shelly J in Medina, OH
Wow, thanks for doing this! It's very nice of you! I'm Ami from Macon, GA.
That's an awesome looking collection of "scrap goodness". Thanks for posting an after NSD giveaway! How fun!
Count me in. I didn't win anything on NSD! Thanks for your generosity.
I am in El Cerrito, cA
WOW....what a great idea & so generous!! I have my fingers crossed!!
Tammy from Illinois
Oh pick me pick me!!! I need some more LUXE!
Heidi in Midlothian, TX
Wow, those products are beautiful, I've never seen Luxe before.
I love this idea! I missed out on the NSD festivities because of work. Thanks! Lisa
I got 19 pages done for NSD (4-12x12; 15-6x6) so I think I need to restock :)
SW Missouri
Wow! Looks like great stuff, love the colors.
and I'm in Delaware
awww...i had to work on NSD and would LOVE to get a little taste of it through your giveway
Luxe is the best rub ons around. I love that you are doing an after NSD giveaway. You're the best!
What a great idea! I enjoyed 12 hours of scrapping on NSD. It was a lot of fun!
Jennifer, Angola, IN
Gasp! What a gorgeous bunch of products! My name is Jacquie, and I live in Cedar Park, TX (near Austin)
Oh..YUMMY!!! I love me some LUXE!!!
An after NSD giveaway is a great idea! I could definitely use a re-stock!
Kimberly from Detroit, MI
I actually got to scrap this weekend - yeah!
I just picked up a few of the 'color-in' pages. Can't wait to use them. I have heard that there is a down town one...I have a 6 year old who LOVES down towns :)
Love it all!
Fun idea to have an after NSD give-away! :)
I did get a lot of scrapping done this weekend!
OK my chances are slim with 96 post but I thought I would try anyway! What a nice thing to do! I must say I love the typed list. I love anything vintagy looking and your's is right up my ally!
I am Kristin in live in Springboro, OH
Hope to hear from you!
I totally love the luxe goodies & I have just put photos in my mini album that I made in Calgary. You were supposed to be there, but you chose to break your arm instead! We so didn't have any fun without you - only kidding. Seriously tho, I love everything luxe and it drives me crazy not having a scrapbook store in my corner of the world which is powell river, BC - Canada. Janet AKA the Crazy Brit
Hi Emily,
As usual I'm drooling over your giveaways! I totally love the Luxe products and I have just put photos in a mini album that we made in your calss in Calagary. Well it was your class but you had to miss it because of your arm and we so didn't have any fun without you. Everyone just sat around and said well, if Emily was here the fun would begin! Maybe next year. I 'd love to win as there's not scrapbook store in my corner of the world which is Powell River, B.C. Canada. Smiles from Janet AKA athe Crazy Brit
Wowwwww... cool these...
I´m from Brazil... But my sister lives in florida...
I missed NSD so I think it is nice to prolong the celebration! I got one LO done on Sunday so at least I got something done! Thanks for the opportunity to win some yummy goodies! Shannon from MA!
so glad to come across your site.
I'm from Texas but living in Hilton Head Island, SC and ready to scrapbook!
I love Luxe! Missed you at the Chicago CKU. Glad you're doing better! Julie from Elmhurst, IL.
I hope its not too late to get this infor the giveaway. I'd love to win something from Luxe
Very pretty colors.
Cathy in Bellerose, NY
Great find in that "Know it All" book! I love to check in on your blog to see what you are up to...Erin from California : )
Leave it to you to do something cool and different.
Thanks for the chance to win!
a huge thumbs up from delaware! thanks for thinking of us 'late bloomers'
Great idea, from South Korea! Sheila Peeler
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