37 today...

Anything past 35 with my heart is like icing on the cake so I'm thankful for every day & year I have.
So, I'm spending my b-day quietly working from home. No plans to celebrate yet - there's too much going on between Matt's eye, Tammy's wedding & some of my family out of town. I'm used to belated celebrations - the day itself is not that big a deal. I did already have one b-day standard, though - the wake-me-up singing-happy-birthday call from my dad at o-dark thirty this morning. Cool. So glad I remembered to put the phone by my bed this year.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday! Wishes of good health to all :).
Hey there.
Wishing you a super birthday!!!
Wishing you a very happy birthday girlfriend! Jessica
happy birthday Emily!!
Happy Birthday Emily!! You ROCK!! :-)
happy birthday, em! love, angie2
Happy Birthday, chica!!! Love ya!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emily! I hope you are doing well. I miss seeing you. I hope you are feeling better and doing well. I check your blog once in a while and I hope you have gotten better from your fall. I am so sorry that happened to you.
Hang in there and if I am at ACCI I will stop by and say hi.
I hope you have a wonderful Birthday.
Happy birthday to my dear friend! I lost my calendar and with it my list of birthdays! May you have a terrific year!
Hope you had a GREAT day. - Amy H
I hope you had a great day yesterday!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy belated Birthday! Hope you had a terrific day!
Happy birthday ! I hope you manage a great extended birthday celebration :)
I hear you! I am 38 and so grateful for each and every year that I am older and wiser :) Happy past b-day
Happy (belated) Birthday! Enjoy your WEEK!
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