Can you count the breaks???
So, this is what we know...

Four breaks going across the bulb of my humerus. They don't show up in the x-ray because it's been jigsawed back together perfectly {go doc}. Now the eight short screws were a surprise. But, as he said - four breaks, 4 sets of screws...I mean I knew there were screws - but eight?

Now, not only was this next one a complete surprise, it answered a major question I had. There's a fifth break on one of the bones below the elbow! Somehow I hadn't heard anything other than humerus-this and humerus-that. That finally explains that long screw which seemed so unnecessary before - I just thought it was part of the overall apparatus.
No wonder I have so much bruising below the elbow. Also must be why it's so sensitive when I rest my elbow on anything.
Good news - I did not re-break it last week {which was actually a concern for a few days after a particularly painful pt session}. There's just another break that I {and my physical therapist} didn't know about...interesting.

Four breaks going across the bulb of my humerus. They don't show up in the x-ray because it's been jigsawed back together perfectly {go doc}. Now the eight short screws were a surprise. But, as he said - four breaks, 4 sets of screws...I mean I knew there were screws - but eight?

Now, not only was this next one a complete surprise, it answered a major question I had. There's a fifth break on one of the bones below the elbow! Somehow I hadn't heard anything other than humerus-this and humerus-that. That finally explains that long screw which seemed so unnecessary before - I just thought it was part of the overall apparatus.
No wonder I have so much bruising below the elbow. Also must be why it's so sensitive when I rest my elbow on anything.
Good news - I did not re-break it last week {which was actually a concern for a few days after a particularly painful pt session}. There's just another break that I {and my physical therapist} didn't know about...interesting.
wow....when you do something you do it all the way.
I sure hope your recovery continues on course!!!!
Take care,
OMG, you really don't do things by halves. I hope your arm mends quickly.
that's some major breakage there. too bad you can't use Zig or an ATG on your elbow!
"humerus-this and humerus-that" and then #5 not as "humorous" (ho ho).
Jim Sox
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