Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Good morning Tokyo!!!

I woke up at 8:45 am, feeling like this was my own time zone...awesome. It's so bright here - I'm loving the light. My "official duties" start at 6 pm - so I'm off to explore...


Blogger Margie Higuchi said...

Man! I wish I was with you!!! Stuff you probably know by now...always have a hankie or tissue paper/Kleenex; use "western" bathrooms or squat! LOL!!; don't need to tip; everything is written in PHONETIC (sp?) alpha; lots of walking!; take the YAMANOTE (green) line to HARAJUKU station - it's about about a 40 min train ride?; you'll be amazed that a lot of Japanese (esp. the younger ones) can speak English (but speak slow); and don't forget your camera!

HAVE FUN...I wanna see pictures!

11:54 PM  

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