"Etsy awareness" GIVEAWAY...
Matt's asked me to have an "etsy awareness day" (which is code for he's really happy he's sold 3 things from his etsy account this week). So I thought I'd run a contest. Here's h
ow it's going to work.

Log into or create an etsy account (if you don't have one you'll want one!!!) Then go to Matt's shop, ManHandled and mark him as a favorite seller (by clicking on the right). I will pick a winner from the people who "love" his shop! Just mark him as a favorite by Sunday at midnight - I'll announce the winner next Monday on my blog! We're giving away our biggest item - a class kit for my Conquering Christmas Planner!
Thanks for taking a look at Matt's pet project. He's really adorable with the button maker & my spiral binder...I never thought I'd get a crafty man!
i'm happy to hear the shop is doing so well! keep up the great work...ya'll are one dynamic duo!
What a COOL place! :-)
I have been having issues posting comments...
Anyway, the weekend in sept book is on nikki's school list this year (for ss). So we will be reading it together, she was excited to hear it was a reccomended book!
Also we both really love the kate nash song..we had to download it to our ipods...which apparently doesn't offer the clean version..LOL.
HOpe all is well there.
Love ya,
Kim (and crew!)
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