Friday, February 02, 2007


aaaaaaaaaah. It's so good to be home. When I got in yesterday it was SNOWING {kinda fun} - a nice welcome home. People asked if I was spoiled by the lovely California weather - but since I never really got outside the convention center the answer is not really.

I have so much to say - so many thanks & I'm trying to figure out the best way to do a slideshow to music of the zillion pictures I took. I had to post this one...If you haven't seen it yet, go to Ginger's blog for the before pictures. I couldn't resist crashing in the sea of manequins after taking down the booth...should've taken off my purse before I got down on the floor.
My niece's birthday party starts in an hour, so I better get going. I will have many, many more things to say later! Check out the IP blog to see our release dates, online catalog & videos I took of the booth and around the show!


Blogger Dale Anne Potter said...

Ok - I had seen Ginger's blog post about the mannequins and now this one of yours is too funny!!!
Who had the mannequins in their booth??? I've searched all the CHA posts and saw no booths with them, I probably missed it as there was alot.
MAN, what alot of FABULOUS stuff out there.....I think I need to either rob a bank or win a lottery!!!

11:12 PM  
Blogger Emily Adams said...

um, the mannequin people probably wish to remain anonymous - however they were all dressed in sweaters & it was a nameless yarn company...

12:26 AM  

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