Sunday, November 04, 2007

Photos from Fort Worth...

I had a blast on Wednesday seeing Jane & exploring Ft Worth with Jen...I went ahead & did a flickr album of our day... We started off with a small lunch at the original Kinkaid's and headed out to kill a little time in Ft Worth before Jane called us & said she'd arrived at her hotel. We went to The Artful Bead - which was fabulous & where they let us "trick or treat" for candy & finger monsters (which provided hours of amusement). In the same shopping center was Imprints & Harbor Freight Tools (always fun). By the time we were finished we headed over to pick up Jane for dinner. Jane was in from Chicago for a couple of days shooting some clients before she went to San Antonio this weekend for the Fiskateer Round Up. We went over to Simple Things and browsed for what felt like ages - so many wonderful old things to see in there. We also drove through the neighborhood Jen will be moving to & checked out the trick or treating activity. We ended up at Duce for dinner and had a fabulous time! I can't wait for Jane to come back - because next time we're doing Dallas!


Blogger Cath said...

Hi I had to think of people to tag and I thought I would love to know more about you....... so you are tagged.

5:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like you're having a really great time...enjoying the blog,

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Jerry Voss said...

It sounds like you all had an amazing day exploring Fort Worth.

7:43 AM  

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